The AAUW Georgetown Branch holds two fundraisers a year to support the missions of our local AAUW branch and the AAUW national organization. For both events, ticket purchase info is publicized in local news media, in the branch newsletter, and on our website. Check the calendar on our Home page to see when this year’s signature events take place.
- Spring’s Annual Style Show and Silent Auction of Gently Used Purses includes a luncheon, a fashion show, silent bidding on donated purses with surprise goodies inside, and a wonderful time for everyone who attends. The event is open to the public. The more the merrier!
- Fall’s annual fundraiser is our Duck Race, held at the low water crossing in Georgetown’s San Gabriel Park. Three hundred rubber ducks are released into the river (!) where they compete in heats to win great prizes. Funds raised from ticket sales, individual donations, and business sponsors are applied toward college scholarships awarded annually each spring.